#100DaysOfCode Challenge: Challenge Accepted And Completed!

“A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” ~ Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu rightly says that you need to take the first step to start a thousand miles journey.
What is this challenge?
The 100 Days Of Code challenge is a challenge by Alexander Kallaway, where he says that-
- Code a minimum of one hour every day for 100 days.
- Log your progress by forking the official GitHub repository
- Share your progress on Twitter daily.
I have completed the first round of the #100DaysOfCode and I’ve planned to complete the second round also.
Why this challenge?
It is challenging to be consistent and dedicated to whatever you do. The start has always been difficult. It’s very easy to start watching a movie and challenging to stop, but when it comes to something worthwhile, I find it the exact opposite: It is hard to start but very easy to continue.
There would be times when you don’t feel like coding or don’t have time to code, but since you have committed publicly, You are bound to code and share your daily progress.
“No matter the circumstances that you may be going through, just push through it.”- Ray Lewis.
Many people might think that publicly committing is a burden or not a good idea and that is what I believed too when I started this challenge. But no, it is fun and helps you be motivated because when you publicly commit to anything, you are bound to do it, and also you get a community to interact with.
Making a public commitment has proven to improve people’s ability to stick to changes and new habits. So let’s do this together!
Who can do it and any pre-requisites?
People passionate about coding or having the zeel and willpower to code for 100 days can do it.
There are no pre-requisites.
You can start this challenge anytime. Think of it as “ now or never.”
Before I started this challenge, I had never used Twitter, didn’t know how to use it, and didn’t code before. So If I can do it, then why not you.
Things you need to keep in mind?
- Don’t be afraid to share your progress and what you learned.
No one is a born talent. So don’t be scared to share what you have learned or did. It doesn’t matter how much you did. The thing which matters is you did it and how well you did it.
2. Discipline is complex, and the community can help.
3. There’s nothing like a pro or noob; never underestimate yourself.
4. The journey is worth the effort, so do it, don’t wait nor stop.
5. In this challenge, you can do development side projects or competitive programming, it doesn’t matter. The thing which matters is you are coding and learning.
How to get started?
If you want to take on the #100DaysOfCode challenge, start by visiting the official challenge site and learning a little more about the rules and how to be most successful.
What have I done to motive and encourage others?

Whenever I tweet my daily progress on Twitter, I get very excited and happy when someone retweets my tweet, and this motivates me even more. So I thought, why not I encourage others who are doing this challenge.
I made a Twitter bot known as @LetsCode15 on Twitter. This bot mainly aims to motivate folks who desire to improve their tech skills by retweeting the tweets with the hashtag #100DaysOfCode, which was tweeted at a particular interval. I have also connected a google form in which if a person fills that form, the bot automatically puts the data in the given template and tweets it immediately.
So if you have completed 30 days of this challenge and have the willpower and desire to finish this great challenge, then go and fill the form so that the bot and I can celebrate your progress.
Most commonly asked questions.
Q . I am new to coding (or just deciding to code) and can’t build projects yet. What should I do?
Ans. You can start with learning any programming language or any tech which fascinates you a lot. There are many free resources available on google and youtube. You can even buy courses if you want to. I have personally binge-watched many youtube videos learned many topics through different videos or articles.
Q . I’ve missed a day. Does it mean I’ve failed the challenge?
Ans. Absolutely not. You are allowed to miss one day in two weeks. (then make it up by adding one more day to the end of the 100) Never miss two days in a row. From my experience, never miss a day because it leads you to procrastinate and makes you feel lazy to get back on track.
Q . By the time I am finished with my hour, it’s past midnight. Does it count?
Ans. Of course, it counts! The question is: have you coded for at least an hour before going to sleep that day? If yes, you are on track.
Q . Should I put my projects online?
Ans. Definitely. It’s great and also motivates you to know that the stuff you’ve worked on is accessible online to anyone who may wish to look at it. It will make you care about the end product more and make the challenge’s results more impressive when you look back at them on Day 100.
Q . Should I worry about streaks?
Ans. Streaks are friendly and helpful, but as I mentioned above — don’t worry about them too much, and don’t criticize yourself over missing a day. Instead, make sure you do everything not to let that happen again and know that worrying and criticizing yourself will not give you any results. The best way to get out of that negative emotional state is to sit down and code.
Q . If everyone started on a particular day, should I join them on the day they are? For example, from Day 40?
Ans. This challenge is an individual challenge, so when you join, you start at day 1. Whenever you’ll be posting an update on Twitter or elsewhere, make sure to mention which day you are on and use the hashtag “ #100DaysOfCode “, so that people can find and support you!
Q . What is the most challenging part of this challenge?
Ans.The part where you have to sit down and start coding. Don’t procrastinate that or think about it because you will end up doing nothing and degrade yourself. The approach is simple: sit down, open your laptop, launch your coding editor, and start typing. After 5 minutes, you will not feel any problems/procrastination/desire to stop, DON’T STOP AND JUST DO.
Q . How do I get in touch with the people who are also doing this challenge?
Ans . Search for #100DaysOfCode on Twitter.
If you have decided to do this, then do it right away. Don’t overthink nor procrastinate. Encourage each other! .If you have any queries regarding this, feel free to reach out to me on LinkedIn or Twitter.
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